February 22 Press Release


The Innovation Guelph Fuel Injection Seed Funding Program has awarded funding to Stratodynamics Aviation Inc. to assist in the next phase of the company’s growth.

CEO Gary Pundsack is excited to break new ground in upper atmospheric exploration with the help of the Government of Canada, through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario).

The HiDRON™, a semi-autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) featuring NASA-developed lightweight sensing and control systems for high-altitude weather monitoring and other types of environmental data collection.

The HiDRON™ glider is designed to operate in the stratosphere providing greater real-time data for more accurate weather forecasts at a lower cost and with 80% less environmental waste than current weather monitoring practices.

Innovation Guelph builds prosperity for community well-being by providing mentorship and business support programs and services. Their business acceleration programs are in southern Ontario. For more information on Innovation Guelph see: http://innovationguelph.ca/funding/24-southern-ontario-companies-awarded-funding-for-innovation/

Stratodynamics Feb 2018 Press Release (click to download full Word Doc)